Friday, December 14, 2012

2 years

2 years ago today God blessed our family with a precious, beautiful, sweet baby girl!
We Thank God for you everyday! You are such a blessing and I can't wait to watch you grow into a beautiful strong young lady!

What your up to:

Your vocabulary amazes me everyday! You can say pretty much whatever you want
You can count up to 3 and then you skip straight to 6 and you sometimes will say 8
You can say A,B,C and then its just jibberish
You love babies and your brother! You ask about Braxton everyday. It's the sweetest thing;)
You are very independent and strong willed
You say the funniest things. Two of your favorite phrases are "Stinky" and then you will say "Oh God"... I really need to break you of these
You are still a mommy's girl and I love this. The bigger I get with Miss Aly though, the harder it is to hold you!
You are still going to MDO 2x a week which you really enjoy!

I can't wait to celebrate at your party on Sunday!
We love you to the moon and back sweet baby girl!

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