What you have been up to at 1 month:
You drink 4 oz every 3 hours
You are in a 1 size diaper
You are starting to like bath time more and more
We are still working on some sort of sleep schedule. Most night's daddy puts you down around 11 and then I get up with you around 2 and 5.
You had your first cold this past week so you have been a little fussy.
You are such a joy and you have made our family complete! Daddy and I joke around that Ella is my mini me and that you and Braxton are his ;) At first your sister was not sure about you but now she just adores you! Braxton thinks you hung the moon! He will be such a wonderful big brother to you!
We love you to the moon and back sweet baby!
it amazes me how different she & Ella are! Precious precious girl!