Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9 months

Happy 9 month's sweet baby!

We go to the Dr on the 19 and I can't wait to see how much you have grown. You are still such a chill baby who loves to be cuddled. Crawling is still out of the question. If you can't reach it then you just go for something that you can. :) We took you on your first beach trip this month and you loved it. The plane ride on the other hand was a different story! Daddy say's we are driving from now on.

You are still drinking 4 bottles a day but it's getting harder and harder to get baby food down you. You would rather just eat what we are eating!

Sweet Baby Girl

You get so excited when you see Braxton. You will start flapping your arms and wrinkle up your nose with the cutest grin! I love watching you two interact. You are lucky to have such a great Big Brother!

We love you both to the Moon and Back!

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