My sweet baby girl is 4 months old today! She is PERFECT in every way... It still amazes me how much you can love one person. I'm so thankful that God chose me to be her mother!!!
We love you so much Ella!
- You are wearing a size 2 diaper
- You are mostly wearing 6 months but you can still fit into a few 3-6 month outfits
- You still Love bath time
- You are having to wear a bib ALWAYS bc you drool constantly. I think you will be cutting teeth soon :)
- You love being outside and walked in your stroller
- You are drinking a 6 oz bottle every 4 hours
- You are still a great little sleeper. You go down around 8:30 and sleep until 7. This makes for one Happy Mommy!
You are liking your JumpaRoo more and more each day
You wake up every morning with a smile and some what of a giggle when you see me!
These past 4 months have gone by way to fast! I cant wait until your doctors apt tomorrow to see how much you have grown!!!
We love you to the Moon and back Miss Ella!
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